Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership in organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership in organizations - Essay Example However, Ms. Kirchner went on to become president as did Margret Thatcher, who was the prime minister of Britain. Though the former British premier was known for her tough policies the current Argentina presidents tenure has been marred by rumors that her presidency is actually being run by her husband. Kirchner has also had good relations with the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chà ¡vez. Kirchner accepts the fact that Chà ¡vez has had helped Argentina in its financial crisis with the oil wealth of the country. Argentina is on friendly terms with Venezuela because not only Chà ¡vez helped the country during the energy crisis, but also the Argentineans believe that Chà ¡vez won the presidential elections in a fair way and with the approval of the international observers (Time, 2007). Her foreign relations are aimed at forming a regional bloc with Venezuela and Brazil. Argentina has a close alliance with Venezuela because the US alleged Ms. Cristina of being funded illegally by Hugo Chavez for winning her presidency. They both denied the accusation and called it a trashing operation orchestrated by the US to bring disunity amongst the nations of Latin America (New World Encyclopedia, 2008). All four political figures have held powerful positions in their respective nations though Ms. Cristina acquired her position comparatively easily than her counterparts as the ticket to run for president was thrown in her lap whereas Ms. Clinton had to run a fierce campaign for a democratic ticket and Margret Thatcher also had to do the same for her conservative party whereas Chà ¡vez has also had to weather coup dà ©tat attempt and wage a political struggle to be reelected (Historic Figures). Both Ms. Thatcher and Ms. Clinton are known to be politically active with a somewhat conservative outlook in their style whereas Ms. Kirchner has been known to support stylish and

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