Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cellular PathologyTissue Processing, Staining and Observation Essay

Cellular PathologyTissue Processing, Staining and Observation - Essay Example A staining schedule of action was put into use and this concerned the usage of ovary cell of Chinese hamster. This was done because they develop as a single layer and when ever they are kept in close vicinity there is a tendency to fuse and join together. Two very different techniques of straining were used for straining the cells. These cells were firstly worked with acridine orange and fluorescent microscope was used for viewing. In the second process the cells were worked with eosin and hematoxylin and were examined under microscope with a bright field. The entire process of staining and growth of the cells was done under a secured parameter of the Leighton tube. However, it can be mentioned that the tissues require processing for the reason that by working out the details of processing the tissues would reveal an improved amount of detail. The processing involves multiple steps that includes vital step of tissue water replacement with wax and the general format in the first stage is using the double stage. In this context the water removal process could be enumerated as the second stage and is specified as dehydration. Methol and ethanol alcohol is used in the next stages that include nucleic acids and proteins denaturing are involved along with chemical reactivity preservation with the addition molecule alteration. Shrinking comes into action with the use of alcohol and the tissues become brittle. To prevent this limited and several alcohol baths can be used with clearing agents like xylene and touleune. Specimen shrinkage can also be decreased by embedding them into resin. Embedding Centre Epoxyresin Aromatic polyhydroxy methacrylates HEMA or Glycolmethacrylate Cellulose tetranitrate or Celloidin Polyester or Ester and wax Wax soluble in water Low viscosity nitrocellulose or LVN Plastic resins Cryostat - Tissues that freezes slowly - Advanced freeze cabinet is used for freezing tissues - Thermoelectric module is used for freezing tissues. - Methods of Rapid freezing - Evaporating liquid used for freezing fast - Carbon dioxide cooling system - Cooling system with the use of frozen carbon dioxide - Liquid nitrogen cooling system While diagnosing tumours Cryostat sections are a preferable element and are a typical procedure in production of histological sections. Bright field Microscope It can be enumerated that the principal of staining is used because in general terms the larger number of tissues are basically colourless and that is the reason this method is used for identifying them. Eosin behaves at par with acidic dyes while Haematoxylin acts like a v in basic state. Both these elements tend to develop salt or electrostatic linkages with tissues that are ionized radicals. It should be mentioned that the acidophilic tissues are those who are attracted towards acid dye and on the other hand basophilic are the ones who acts with basic dyes. Haematoxylin is instrumental in staining the tissue components that are basophilic in nature and the reaction yields a dye purple. One such example is the nucleus. The reason behind this lies in the fact that the compositions are made up with acid glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans and nucleic acids. On the other hand cytoplasm pink is stained by eosin because

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Essay Example for Free

Leadership and Organizational Behavior Essay Introduction The organization that will be the topic of my discussion in my final project paper will be Pratt Industries Inc. The company started as a recycling paper company in Australia and US, but today they could close the entirely process of recycling incorporating companies that create paper from recycling paper, the energy that the company use is coming burning trash recycled, the company sale cardboard boxes and recycled paper to big detailed companies as Home depot and Walmart, the company create their own design to send their products (recycled paper based) to our homes, the company has their own recycle trucks to pick the recycle products from homes and companies. The company has the all cycle of recycling closed; they pick the recycling trash up, they process it and make new products, they sale it and send it to our homes and the process start again picking the trash up. The company has more than 70 locations where they can create clean energy, recycle and create paper, make cardboard boxes, make the own designs and for other companies also, and other activities as retail recycling products. Problem Statement I am IT support on the IT department of the company, I was hired to improve the department capacity of support due the company was growing up and the department started to get issues supporting the computer’s users. We used to have a very friendly work environment; we use to go out to celebrate birthdays, we got good payment improvement every year, our IT manager use to take the department to do some outside activities as a group. The company benefits are placed as the best comparing them with companies with the same quantity of employees, but the company started to buy other small companies and they started to make savings to invest on the new acquisitions. A  year ago HR managers started cutting health benefits and changing them backward and the salaries are not been increased as before, neither we go out as a group to celebrate birthdays nor go outside to do any extras activities. My group of work is great and the environment of work still friendly, I keep some of the good company benefits (like University tuition help) and it is why I still working on the company. The company started to cut benefit plans, expect more output from each employee, and they are keeping the new employees as a contacted people to avoid include them into the benefits plans. Some of those employees are not giving their most on their work, per example some of them never come on time every morning, they don’t give their best on their work and they don’t care if they finished their job but they leave on time or before the end of their time to leave. I scare this situation will be viral and creates the same feelings to the old department workers sending the company down because IT is one of the most important to keep the company working 247 during the 365 days of the year. I will do my best researching and writing a plan to create the steps to return the company as the leader of the recycling business on US. I would like to receive support to make the IT department an HPO and shows to the other company department how to keep the company growing up always improving the employees benefits instead trying to cut them due the employees are the most important key. Preliminary Solutions Managers have to make closed call to employees that are not following the company statements. The staffing company the company use to hire temporary employees must increase the pre-hired background check. Company has to review what they are cutting about employees benefits. Managers have to look for a way to show the employees what level of satisfaction they have with the employees dedication they show on their work. Analysis of leadership The company is passing through big changes on the executive management area; managers are being moved to different new locations that the company is merging after Pratt bought them. HR is trying to absorb those employees and it is creating an stressed environment when new employees are been hired  to replace another and when the company is using a staffing company to hire new employees without the certified classification. The company managers have to improve their level of relationship with their employees showing them they are valuable for the company and letting them know they work is highly appreciate. Reference Prive, Tanya. Top 10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader. Forbes [Serial Online]. December 2012;[emailprotected]:00. Accessed May 9, 2014. Professor de Waal, Andrà © A. MBA. The Secret of High Performance Organizations (HPO’s). HPO CENTER []. Non Dated. Accessed May 10, 2014. Robbins, Stephen P., Timothy Judge. Organizational Behavior, 15th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 01/2012. VitalBook file. Mehrotra, Vivek. Is money the best motivator?. Non dated. Accessed May 17, 2014.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Skills for Communication and Language Acquisition

Skills for Communication and Language Acquisition Miriana Hili P1 I’m going to explain briefly about the skills associated with communication those are eye contact, gestures, body language and active listening. In my weekly observations in the child care centers I use those skills. I use the eye contact while I’m talking with the children so they could know that I’m talking to them, eye contact is also needed to show that you are listening what they are saying and to see what are their feelings. I use gesture to express myself more and they could understand what I’m saying even the children when they want something they begin to point at the object to show me which one they want. When I’m in placement I could know what children feeling are by their body language when they want that someone pick them up they show you by opening their arms. Active listening is when children are talking to me so I listen to so that I could respond them is not always possible to understand them because they haven’t developed th eir speech well. The components of speech are: phonology, phonology is the sound used in a language. Some languages have more sounds then others for example English have around fourth four sounds. The sound of the language is how one pronounce the word even speech sound could be written in different ways. The phonology process in babies begin before they are born, this begins from the 26th week of pregnancy at that stage they begin to recognize their mothers speech. Semantics, semantics is the meaning of the language how do you understand the word. Newborn babies learn the meaning of the words by associating sounds with objects or sound. For example the parent says â€Å"where are your gloves?† and touches the child gloves, so he could associate the sound with the object. Semantics tries to know how it is constructed and as well interpreted; the meaning is how you listen the language and how they speak it. Syntax is about grammar of language. The grammar is the way that the words are putted to gether; syntax is the structure of a sentence. The sentences are formed by noun phrase, verb phrase and noun phrase the sentence is like this Mary pushed the pushchair. Syntax is the way words are arranged together and the relationship between them. Receptive language, this term is to describe the ability to listen and to understand what is being communicated. Even if the children are not able to say a word but they may show that they understand something. Children develop receptive language in the first saying of language development. Receptive language is defined as the comprehension of language through listening and understands what is being communicated. It is also the ability of comprehend concepts, vocabulary, directions and questions. Expressive language is the output of the language it how one expresses his/her wants and need and evens their feelings. This is about how children communicate by using sounds and after some time using words. A baby’s expressive language t ake form of babbling and cooing this happens at the first year, at the second year they begin to use word because the linguistic development start to occurs. One can express himself not even with the language but even with the gestures and facial expressions. How communication and language acquisition on social and emotional development can be effected. Children who have a strong attachment with their parents can develop language more easily. They develop the language more easily because there a strong link between language and attachment. Babies who are cuddled and held by their parents and other care the start to† read† their body language understand it even in others. Children who have a strong attachment are more motivated to babble and communicate with their parents they will gain some positive response. Between social development and language there is a strong link between them. A child who reads other person’s body language and can communicate it is more accepted more by others and even engages in playful situation. The language acquisition also changes how they play together as the language helps children to interact and to be less impulsive and more thoughtful. Sara report According the table of pre linguistic and linguistic Sara language and communication acquisition is at a high level because she is a talkative and she even likes to talk with older persons and older children. She is at the stage of language explosion this means that in her age she has increased in the children’s vocabulary and in sentences. Children at this age they learn more rapidly and it becomes harder for parents to count them. The children use more complicated structures for example â€Å"no cats here†. Sara’s communication and language acquisition is very well developed in her social and emotional. She is very confident with others and she isn’t shy. According to browns mean length utterance she is at stage 2 and the length of saying words is 2.25 at her age she is now using ing, on, in for example â€Å"daddy going†. Alex report According the table of pre linguistic and linguistic Alex language and communication acquisition is at a low level because he is a very calm and reserved person. He is not able to express his needs or thoughts. He is three years old and he started to produce some word and even phrases but his speech is hard to understand. According the table Alex should have a large increase in the vocabulary and increased in using sentences but the thing that he is shy and reserved and he don’t like to communicate with other it affects his speech. Even though he don’t have friend it affect the speech because if you don’t have someone to talk to you speech is not going to be increased and understandable. Alex communication and language acquisition had effected his emotional and social development because he is very reserved and other children don’t play with him. Emotionally he is very frustrated because he is not able to express himself so he didn’t know what he wa nts to do. Social he doesn’t have many friends because when a boy comes to play with he don’t begin to play or he would begin to cry so for this he don’t have friends. According to the mean length utterance Alex is at stage 3 and he is supposed to say some irregular past tenses and possessives for example â€Å"me fall down† and â€Å"mummy’s hat†, his mean length utterance is 3.5. Alex for his age he should pronouns more words and form more sentences. Early detection and referral has an important role in children’s development. When one is working with children need to recognizing that the child’s pattern of language is a typical. Early referrals often result in better lasting outcome for children and the effects of language delay can be reduced. Children who have learning difficulties need to be referred early because they would need to be supported by a system such as Makaton. Without this supporting system children would not be able to links between the words and there meaning. It is important to early detection so that the child could be referred immediately so he/she could have the help they need. Although most of the referrals will be to a speech and language teams, but some children need to be referred for an audiology test this is done by a GP. P2 Language acquisition is divided in many different theories those theorist are skinner, Chomsky and Bruner. Skinner talks about the behavior, skinner believes that the language is acquired according to the behavior. The language is acquired by reinforcement; children learn words by associating sounds with objects. Children also learn by actions and events, they words and syntax by imitating other adults. Adults reinforce children when they learn words and syntax and say it in a correct way. Chomsky talks about the innate theory, innate are the sense of language and a device that allows babies and children to acquire language. The theory that could influence practice is to support language growth of children who have a supplementary home language. Bruner talks about the social interactions theory, he suggested that children learn through play and exploration. Bruner said when children play with adults such as active role in questioning they will learn more. The theory influence practic e by help children learn concepts and to develop their logic and reasoning. Skinner Skinner talks about language acquisition; Language is the cognition that makes us truly human. Skinner talks about behaviorism that is the central of the language. He says that the language is acquired by reinforcements so when they begin to say words the parents rewarded them. In the child care setting there are many different characters some of them know already some words and they have a wide vocabulary some of them don’t know that much so when they learn something and say new words we praise them. Chomsky Chomsky says that children are born with a possession of an innate ability that comprehends language structures. Chomsky asserts that children initially possess, and then afterward develop, an innate understanding of grammar, irrespective of where they are raised. Language according to Chomsky is intended to convey an infinite range of message, ideas and emotions. In the child care setting children are all able to express them self but there are children who are only 1 year 2 months and don’t even know how to speech but they will develop their speech by listening.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Genital Mutilation In Sudan :: essays research papers fc

The lights are dim and the voices quiet. Tension fills the room where Nafisa, a six-year-old Sudanese girl lies on a bed in the corner. Her aunt, 25-year-old Zeinab, watches protectively as her niece undergoes the procedure now known as female genital mutilation (FGM), formerly called female circumcision. In this procedure, performed without anaesthesia, a girl's external sexual organs are partially or totally cut away. Zeinab does not approve. For the past year she has been trying to persuade her mother and sister to spare Nafisa from the procedure. She lost the battle with her family, but she will stay at her niece's side. She watches Nafisa lying quietly, brave and confused, and remembers her own experience. Zeinab underwent the procedure twice. At six years old she had the more moderate form of FGM, called Sunni, in which the covering of the clitoris is removed. When she was 15 the older women of her family insisted she have the Pharaonic form, which involves removal of the entire clitoris and the labia and stitching together of the vulva, leaving just a small hole for elimination of urine and menstrual blood. Zeinab still remembers the pain, the face of the women performing the procedure, the sound of her flesh being cut. She also remembers bleeding and being sick for weeks. This extreme form of FGM has been performed on 82 per cent of Sudanese women, according to a recent survey. Today, 85 to 114 million girls and women in more than 30 countries have been subjected to FGM. Female genital mutilation has long been performed to ensure chaste or monogamous behaviour by suppressing female sexuality. It is commonly -- although erroneously -- attributed to religious edict. In fact, neither Islam nor Christianity officially sanctions it. FGM is dangerous. It is estimated that untrained traditional birth attendants perform two thirds of the procedures. They typically have limited knowledge of health and hygiene and often use inadequately cleaned traditional instruments. Side effects of FGM include trauma, bleeding and haemorrhage; pain, stress and shock; infections (which can be fatal); painful and difficult sexual relations; obstructed labour and difficult childbirth; and psychological trauma. The effects can last a lifetime. The practice was declared illegal in the Sudan in 1941, but that did little to stop it. About 90 per cent of northern Sudanese women have had it done. Why does FGM continue? In surveys, the most common reason

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Indian Population

Free sample essay on Population Problem in India. The population problem is one of the burning issues being faced by the country. It surmounts all the problems of the country. The rapid population growth is often referred to as population explosion. The population of India has risen dramatically during the post-independence period. The increase in population is due to the spread of health care facilities thus resulting in the fall of death rate. Within a period of a little over half century, population of India has tripled to cross one billion marks.It is predicted to surpass China by 2030 to become the highly populated country in the world. The unprecedented population growth has contributed too many problems such as poverty, unemployment, food problem, housing, clothing which are the basic necessities of life. These things are directly related to the quality of life. The rising population has outpaced all the development and technological gains. It has nullified all our achievement s in the field of industrialisation. Despite all the progress made even one-fourth of India’s population is still living below poverty line.Even they do not have the bare necessities of life available to them. Millions of people have to go to bed without food. Starvation death is frequent in India despite being self-reliant in food production. Population growth is witnessing geometrical progression. The resources of subsistence are increasing in arithmetical progression. India has to accommodate sixteen per cent of total world population in 2. 3 per cent of total land. The pace of our population growth is horrifying. Forty-four children take birth every minute.Our population is rising by 2. 9 per cent per year. Thus every year an extra 26 million people are added to the existing population. Availability of better food, better hygiene and above all modern facilities in medicines, surgery and health care have caused longevity and decline in the rate of mortality. It has further aggravated our population problem. The government is taking stern measures to check the Population. It has started the family planning as early as immediately after the independence. It was the first country to introduce family planning.But the programme failed to bring desired result. So it is the need of the hour to realise the menace of population growth. Our society needs to be made aware of its dangers. The NGOs and media should come forward to create awareness in terms of population growth. We as aware citizens should change our mindset. Failure to check further increase in population may have disastrous effects. A mass awareness programme should be launched through radio, TV and other press media. The masses should be properly educated to the advantages of family planning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mid Term Essay Essays

Mid Term Essay Essays Mid Term Essay Paper Mid Term Essay Paper Mid Term Essay Michael J. Almasy Criminal Justice 211-04 Police Operations July 13, 2010 Kaplan University The development of Law Enforcement originated with the need to protect Humans, and property. Once organized systems were put into place, August Vollmer, the first Town Marshall for Berkeley, and later the Chief of Police and Crimininalist for Berkeley California is credited as being instrumental in many facets of Law Enforcement which are still used today and have been enhanced and improved several times over the past decades. His contribution were immediately implemented and respected by many large departments in the United States. August Vollmer served as Chief of Police for the Los Angeles Police Department, and during his two-year tenure before returning to Berkeley, he implemented many of the applications and procedures which are still used today successfully. Vollmer worked extensively with Professors and Leaders at the University of Berkley in his efforts to establish a professional model of policing and the investigative aides such as the Science of Criminology. One of his major contribution to the Criminal Justice system is Investigations where in 1907 he enlisted the help of University Chemistry Professor Loeb to help identify a suspected poison during a murder investigation (peak 2009) which led to the scientific analysis process of blood, fibers and soil evidence. This process of investigation still practiced today and has advanced since then with the aid of technology, and is used in solving or acquitting persons implicated in crimes. One of the most famous cases in America would be the OJ Simpson murder trial of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. This case would use several criminology techniques to establish, gather and preserve evidence and one of the key pieces of the trial would be the leather gloves. These gloves contained blood samples from OJ Simpson, Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman which would be later used for DNA testing to establish the identification of persons at the crime scene. This type of forensic investigation would not have been possible without the visionary accomplishment of Vollmer and the establishment of the first forensic laboratory in Los Angeles 1923 (peak 2009). Another contribution to the Investigative area of his work is when Vollmer asked one of the students turned campus police officer, John Larson to work with him in supportive research in the technique to measure blood pressure changes in criminals. Larson who had been working on the science of Measuring Blood Pressure and galvanic skin responses, which was the prior work of William Marston, led to the creation of a device to record both blood pressure and galvanic skin responses which could be used to assists investigators in determining the truth of their suspects. This device was known as the Lie Detector with the formal name of the Polygraph. Today, the polygraph is mainly used by employers to screen potential job applicants and is usually disputed by scientist as an inaccurate scientific proof of validity. August Vollmer has made numerous contributions to the world of modern policing and was truly a pioneer to the future of criminal investigation and a role model to follow. His extraordinary vision for the transformation of future policing should not be taken lightly. He single handily developed the way America conducts police work and investigates crime. He was instrumental in mentoring and influencing others to develop new techniques and technologies to support law enforcement agencies in solving crimes. Today, Federal, State and local law enforcement continue to build upon the direction of Vollmer ideals. In America our Law Enforcement is made up of Local Authority which is City, Town, Rural Township and Counties. The State also has authority, and we have Federal Agencies which is our Federal Government. Overall, citizens view Law Enforcement as protectors, regardless of the Levels of law enforcement. The contrast as seen by the Citizen is that there is none, and that Police Officers are the defenders of Citizens against crimes. The reality is that in law enforcement there is a contrast between the levels of law enforcement. Each level has substantial responsibility to protect citizens of the United States against foreign and domestic criminals and must be able to operate cohesively as one during the times of severe emergencies and when called upon to work together whether it is, for example transporting a fugitive or a catastrophic event such as 9/11. The following are the differences between the levels of law enforcement: Most of the law enforcement activity occurs at the local level, and therefore the local level has most of the authority and responsibility. The Local levels are dealing with the community relations, community policing and has jurisdiction of their cities and counties. The State Law Enforcement Officers primary responsibility is that of traffic enforcement of our state highways, which in California is the CHP, California Highway Patrol. They also have the responsibility to ensure the vehicles that travel our highways are meeting state safety regulation and get properly inspected. The Federal Government has Law Enforcement Authority and have an increased role to law enforcement recently especially since our crimes are now more sophisticated and go beyond our nation boarders. It is important to note though however, that most of the responsibility still lies at the local level. Agencies covered under the Federal umbrella are: Military (CID) Criminal Investigation Division, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, DEA Drug Enforcement Administration, BAFT Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms an agency of the Treasury Department, Customs, and Secret Service. Local, State and Federal agencies have similar functions and may differ due to jurisdictions, although as mentioned, the primary role is that of protecting our citizens from crimes and working cohesively as one at every level of law enforcement. Gould Publications Inc, Dempsey, Tom and Coffey, David J. D. (2001) Hiring process. Law Enforcement for the TWENTY FIRST CENTURY, An Entry-Level Guide 1, * Policing as a profession 1-23, 439 doi: n/a * The Polygraph: The Modern Lie Detector (www. umw. edu) * Kaplan Seminar * Unit 3: Patrol Seminar  Ã‚  Ã‚  Professor Richard C. Niebusch – Industry Expert * Pearson Prentice Hall. Peak, (2009) Kenneth J. From Citizen to Office Policing America 6th edition, 1 01-102, 1060130 doi: 363. 20973- dc22

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Roman Senate, Consuls, And Dictators

Upon hearing the phrase â€Å"Roman Republic†, most people think of a rich, powerful, vast nation with a dictator as the only form of government. Most people are wrong. The government of Rome had three well-known parts. Those parts were the senate, the consuls, and, in certain times, the dictators. In Rome, the rich patricians filled these occupations, until later when the Plebs were allowed to join. Because of the huge state of the Rome’s empire, the three main government jobs, the senate, consuls, and dictator, were extremely large and important. The senate was the largest part of the Roman government. It was made up of 300 magistrates. An important job of the senate was watching finances. The senate would congregate in a building called the Curia, in the Roman forum. At first birth was what determined who was a senator. â€Å"†¦a cross between the British and Canadian senates in that individual members could (eventually) be appointed† (Saywell and Ricker 1) After the fourth century B.C., plebeians, the lower class, were allowed in the senate. It was possible for a senator to be kicked out if he betrayed Rome. After the fall of the empire, the senate lasted, but not for long. After 450 A.D., the senate was only there for show. The title of consul didn’t come around until 366 B.C. The two chairmen of the senate were the consuls. They were elected by members of the senate. The consuls were commanders of the Roman army. Usually, the consuls were around forty-three. Because the consuls wanted games to be remembered, they had artists write down information about the games. The consuls were rarely seen in public but they were well-known. The consuls led the senate, were involved in foreign affairs, and could be overshadowed by dictators. Imperium duplex is the power divided between two. Annuum is the law that the consuls can only be in office for a year. Both of these things applied to the consuls. When a consul would die, there wo... Free Essays on Roman Senate, Consuls, And Dictators Free Essays on Roman Senate, Consuls, And Dictators Upon hearing the phrase â€Å"Roman Republic†, most people think of a rich, powerful, vast nation with a dictator as the only form of government. Most people are wrong. The government of Rome had three well-known parts. Those parts were the senate, the consuls, and, in certain times, the dictators. In Rome, the rich patricians filled these occupations, until later when the Plebs were allowed to join. Because of the huge state of the Rome’s empire, the three main government jobs, the senate, consuls, and dictator, were extremely large and important. The senate was the largest part of the Roman government. It was made up of 300 magistrates. An important job of the senate was watching finances. The senate would congregate in a building called the Curia, in the Roman forum. At first birth was what determined who was a senator. â€Å"†¦a cross between the British and Canadian senates in that individual members could (eventually) be appointed† (Saywell and Ricker 1) After the fourth century B.C., plebeians, the lower class, were allowed in the senate. It was possible for a senator to be kicked out if he betrayed Rome. After the fall of the empire, the senate lasted, but not for long. After 450 A.D., the senate was only there for show. The title of consul didn’t come around until 366 B.C. The two chairmen of the senate were the consuls. They were elected by members of the senate. The consuls were commanders of the Roman army. Usually, the consuls were around forty-three. Because the consuls wanted games to be remembered, they had artists write down information about the games. The consuls were rarely seen in public but they were well-known. The consuls led the senate, were involved in foreign affairs, and could be overshadowed by dictators. Imperium duplex is the power divided between two. Annuum is the law that the consuls can only be in office for a year. Both of these things applied to the consuls. When a consul would die, there wo...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Women in India Essays

Women in India Essays Women in India Essay Women in India Essay The status of  women in India  has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. [2][3]  From equal status with men in ancient times[4]through the low points of the medieval period,[5]  to the promotion of  equal rights  by many reformers, the history of women in  India  has been eventful. In modern India, women have adorned high offices in  India  including that of the  President,  Prime minister,  Speaker of the Lok Sabha  and  Leader of the Opposition. As of 2011, the  President of India, the  Speaker of the Lok Sabha  and the  Leader of the Opposition  in  Lok Sabha  (Lower House of the parliament) are all women. | - History Ancient India Scholars believe that in ancient India, the women enjoyed  equal status  with men in all fields of life. [6]  However, some others hold contrasting views. [7]  Works by ancient Indian grammarians such asPatanjali  and  Katyayana  suggest that wome n were educated in the early  Vedic period[8][9]  Rigvedic verses suggest that the women married at a mature age and were probably free to select their husband. [10]  Scriptures such as  Rig Veda  and  Upanishads  mention several women sages and seers, notably  Gargi  and  Maitreyi. 11] There are very few texts specifically dealing with the role of women;[12]  an important exception is the  Stri Dharma Paddhati  of Tryambakayajvan, an official at  Thanjavur  around c. 1730. The text compiles strictures on womenly behaviour dating back to the  Apastamba  sutra (c. 4th c. BCE). [13]  The opening verse goes: mukhyo dharmaH smr^tiShu vihito bhartr^shushruShANam hi  : women are enjoined to be of service to their husbands. Some kingdoms in the ancient India had traditions such as  nagarvadhu  (bride of the city). Women competed to win the coveted title of the  nagarvadhu. Amrapali  is the most famous example of a nagarvadhu. According to studies, women enjoyed equal status and rights during the early  Vedic period. [14]  However, later (approximately 500 B. C. ), the status of women began to decline with the  Smritis  (esp. Manusmriti) and with the  Islamic  invasion of  Babur  and the  Mughal  empire and later Christianity curtailing womens freedom and rights. [5] Although reformatory movements such as Jainism allowed women to be admitted to the religious order, by and large, the women in India faced confinement and restrictions. 14]  The practice of  child marriages  is believed to have started from around sixth century. [15] Medieval period The Indian womans position in the society further deteriorated during the medieval period[5][6]  when  Sati  among some communities,  child marriages  and a ban on widow remarriages became part of social life among some communities in India. The  Muslim conquest in the Ind ian subcontinent  brought the  purdahpractice in the Indian society. Among the  Rajputs  of Rajasthan, the  Jauhar  was practised. In some parts of India, the  Devadasis  or the temple women were sexually exploited. Polygamy was widely practised especially among Hindu Kshatriya rulers. [15]  In many Muslim families, women were restricted to  Zenanaareas. In spite of these conditions, some women excelled in the fields of politics, literature, education and religion. [5]  Razia Sultana  became the only woman monarch to have ever ruled  Delhi. The  Gond  queen  Durgavati  ruled for fifteen years, before she lost her life in a battle with Mughal emperor  Akbars general Asaf Khan in 1564. Chand Bibi  defended  Ahmednagar  against the mighty  Mughal  forces of Akbar in 1590s. Jehangirs wife  Nur Jehan  effectively wielded imperial power and was recognized as the real force behind the Mughal throne. The Mughal princesses Jahanara and Zebunnissa were well-known poets, and also influenced the ruling administration  Shivajis mother,  Jijabai  was deputed as queen regent, because of her ability as a warrior and an administrator. In South India, many women administered villages, towns, divisions and heralded social and religious institutions. 15] The  Bhakti  movements tried to restore womens status and questioned some of the forms of oppression. [14]  Mirabai, a female saint-poet, was one of the most important Bhakti movement figures. Some other female saint-poets from this period include  Akka Mahadevi, Rami Janabai and  Lal Ded. Bhakti sects within Hinduism such as the Mahanubhav, Varkari and many others were principle movements within the Hi ndu fold to openly advocate social justice and equality between men and women. Shortly after the Bhakti movement,  Guru Nanak, the first Guru of  Sikhs  also preached the message of equality between men and women. He advocated that women be allowed to lead religious assemblies; to perform and lead congregational hymn singing called  Kirtan  or  Bhajan; become members of religious management committees; to lead armies on the battlefield; have equality in marriage, and equality in  Amrit  (Baptism). Other  Sikh Gurus  also preached against the discrimination against women.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Death Penalty Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Death Penalty Issues - Essay Example However, the death penalty was revived in the year 1978. By the year 1998, the state legislature provided another choice for executing the condemned prisoners. This was by means of lethal injection. In March 2000, legislation was enacted in this state that made death by lethal injection the primary procedure for executing those condemned to death (Tennessee Department of Correction, n.d.).   With the reintroduction of capital punishment in 1916, the prison wardens were required to maintain an official ledger that provided details of the executed. During the period 1916 to 1960, executions were conducted exclusively at the Tennessee State Penitentiary in Nashville. The execution of Coe by lethal injection, in the year 2000, was this state’s first execution, after nearly four decades (Tennessee Department of Correction, n.d.).   The Tennessee Code  § 39 – 13 – 202 describes the offenses that merit the capital punishment. These are; first, the intentional and premeditated killing of another. Second, the killing of another during the perpetration or attempted perpetration of first-degree murder; terrorist act; rape; robbery; arson; burglary; aggravated child abuse, neglect or rape; rape; rape of a child; or aircraft piracy. Third, the killing of another individual resulting from the unlawful discharging, placing or hurling of a bomb or destructive device (Palmer, 2013, p. 335).   Code  § 39 – 13- 204(i) of Tennessee stipulates that the prosecutor has to prove the existence of one of the following statutory aggravating circumstances, during the penalty stage of the proceedings. First, the murder was perpetrated against a person who was not older than 12 years of age and the accused was 18 years or older. Second, the accused had been convicted, previously, of one or more felonies that had involved violence to the person (Palmer, 2013, p. 335).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Music Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music Theory - Essay Example The song tells us a heart-wrenching tale about a father who refuses to spend quality time with the son he had with his wife whom he claimed to love. His son is persistently trying to unite with his father but, unfortunately, the father is always too busy or gone (Grayeb 1). As the piece goes on, the boy starts turning in to a grownup and when his father wants finally to start spending time with him the son refuses. The child has grown up and furthermore has a family, which he can call his own. The song is narrated from the first-person’s viewpoint by a father who can never find time to bide with his child. Even though the child requests his father to join him in childhood actions, he responds with more than fuzzy guarantees of spending quality time together in 'future' (Grayeb 1). Whereas hoping to spend time with his father, the child begins to shape himself into his father's attitudes, thus the stanza hoping to turn out "just like him." The last two stanzas are an overturn o f the duties, whereby the father requests his adult son to pay him a visit, but the matured son says that he is at the moment too occupied to find the time for his once "too busy" father (Grayeb 1). The father then considers that he and his are both alike, uttering "my boy has turned out to be just like his dad." The song's chorus utilizes imagery and metaphors related to childhood songs such as Cat's in the Cradle, Little Boy Blue, Silver Spoon, and Man in the Moon. Four Parameters Analysis Whereas the relation between motion and tempo might be self-evident, the connection between verticality and pitch is less simple (Grayeb 1). The sound wave of the song was basically slow, which gave the song a low pitch. The artist gave a sense song of a sad feeling in the song, which also complimented the law. Harry Chapin’s song was more rhythmically complex as the artist used odd meters, as well as ways, such as additive rhythm and phasing. The artist also wrote the song in a way which lacked a sense of a regular beat as the song consisted only of long sustained tones also referred to as drones (Grayeb 1). The song also had a liner progression of tunes whereby the singer, at times, hummed or used a guitar only to give the tone. The song incorporated mixed and simply discernible frequency patterns. This was due to the fact that the artist wanted to make the message clear for everyone to understand. The song incorporated low dynamics due to its tune. Also, song had pianissimos and fortissimos, which gave the song the low dynamics. The story was about a sad child; hence, the low dynamics complimented the story in way that the listener could easily understand (Grayeb 1). Line-Graph The song had a series of plateaus characterized by notes. The artist did the work of a lab specialist to achieve the desired effects (Grayeb 1). Chaplin made the song the way it is by working with graphs due to the uniformity that could be adapted from the song. A majority of the more rest rained variations of time and pitch might have to be disregarded prior to the fixing of the relative durations of these notes. Bar-lines should also be placed upon a traditional music staff. The points in the piece could, at that stage, be replaced by notes, as well as the lines through note values (Grayeb 1). The complete pitch of every line for a non-percussive stave was confirmed by the

Bullying in Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bullying in Nursing - Research Paper Example Bullying in nursing manifests in different ways including false accusations aimed tainting someone’s reputation and competency, personal attacks, allocation of roles beyond one’s skills and lack of assistance from the seniors, and lastly intimidation among other ways. The bullying behavior translates into psychological and physiological effects on the victims, poor bedside patient outcomes as well as compromise in the organizational effectiveness and efficiency. The menace can be controlled through cognitive rehearsal training programs, implementation of code of conduct, creation of awareness and zero tolerance on bullying in all health care organizations. Keywords (Bullying, interpersonal relationships, intimidation, reputation, competency, code of conduct, cognitive rehearsal) Review of the Literature of a Researchable Problem Workplace bullying has emerged as global issue in healthcare organization, particularly affecting the nursing practitioners. Owing to the serio usness of this problem and its effects on the performance of nurses, several studies have been conducted with the aim of understanding and establishing strategies to avert or control its occurrence. Despite the existence of aggression and harassment behaviors in almost health care organization, bullying is viewed as form of repeated behaviors resulting in creation of a hostile working environment (Hutchinson, Wilkes, Vickers & Jackson, 2008). Researchers have proposed numerous strategies of dealing with bullying in nursing including training programs, establishment of stringent measure to protect nurses, and counseling programs. This paper entails review of literature from different scholarly articles on bullying in nursing. Simons, S. (2010). Bullying in the workplace-a qualitative study of new licensed registered nurses. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, 58 (7), 305-311. This article entails a qualitative study of bullying among nurses to establish the different ways in which bullying manifests in the field of nursing. Simons (2010) examined the individual experiences of nurses as well as incidences of bullying witnessed during their practice. The study applied a descriptive qualitative research design to examine bullying behavior among newly licensed nurse. A survey study was conducted in the State of Massachusetts targeting nurses registered between 2001 and 2003 and about 511 responses were obtained through the email survey (Simons, 2010). The results of study revealed that about 139 nurses had been bullied and 14 others witnessed bullying incidences. Several themes describing the bullying behavior were identified including feeling out of the group, structural bullying, senior or old nurses exploiting newly registered nurses and the feeling of quitting the occupation (Simons, 2010). The phrase ‘nurses eat their young’ was particularly used to describe the hostility subjected to new nurses by their seniors. Senior nurses prop agated bullying in the working area through subjecting the newly registered nurses to ridicule, lack of information sharing and lack of assistance from the experienced nurses. Bullying in nursing accounted for a significant percentage of the employee turnover in the nursing field. Some of the respondents reported having left their jobs due to unbearable bullying in their working environments. Most of the bullying beha

Why Racism Should Not Occur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why Racism Should Not Occur - Essay Example American people throughout the history of the nation’s slavery marks the begging of the racial prejudice and discrimination that presented the blacks and the other minority groups, especially the immigrant minorities, as inferior (Tiffany Gee & Takeuchi, 2008). Thus, due to the social status, they held during the period of American colonization as slaves, the prejudice, stereotyping and color bigotry has continued to rule the mind of many, resulting to the persistent increase in the reported cases of racial hate incidences throughout the country. On the other hand, due to the identity that such minority groups have been given as inferior throughout the history, they have also turned against the dominant groups, by discriminating and prejudicing against them as well (Kivel, 1996). However, the most disturbing thing about racism is that it does not appear to be perpetrated by individuals alone, but also the media that is a very influential tool in the society. The media has been seen to contribute to racism through biased reporting in relation to the prevalence of high crime rates in the minority groups as opposed to the dominant groups (Banton, 1988). This has resulted in unbalanced social construction, with the minority groups, most especially the African Americans being stereotyped as crime-prone than the rest of the communities. The impact of this is that such minority groups have in turn adapted crime as the tool for revenge against the marginalization. One can be forgiven for asking the question; where does racism happen? The answer to this would also be equally disturbing, because racism is all over the society, whether in the schools, on the streets, in churches and even in the high political offices such as the parliament and the Congress.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluating a Website for Credibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluating a Website for Credibility - Essay Example The search engine used to locate the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization’s website was Google. From the website url (, the domain of the website is identified as .org. Choosing this website for the review considered a number of issues. Foremost, I was out to look for a website that was meant for a group of people. NACCHO’s website suited my description for the perfect website to review given the specificity of its audience. Although the website has information that appeals to the general public to support the cause of the organization, it is a medium more specifically meant to address the Australian aborigines than the general public. Additionally, the website is simple, straightforward and specific to the needs of its audience (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization, 2013). It dissects the health issues of the aborigines in a way that is much more convincing than other health websites. Further, the website became my site of choice since it is light and fast. There is the right choice of pictures, picture sizes and diction without unnecessary need for pompousness and wordiness. Like most websites, NACCHO’s website has a splendid authority hierarchy in its modification and administration. The viewers do not have the authority to publish news or update the website. Only website administrators have the capability to publish new material, update information and modify the layout of the website. Unlike wikis and other related websites, NACCHO’s website does not give readers much freedom to dictate the content of the website (Miller, 2012). However, there is a provision for feedback where website visitors can leave their views on the operations of the organization. The information included in the website is objective and focuses on the target group. This

Leadership in organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership in organizations - Essay Example However, Ms. Kirchner went on to become president as did Margret Thatcher, who was the prime minister of Britain. Though the former British premier was known for her tough policies the current Argentina presidents tenure has been marred by rumors that her presidency is actually being run by her husband. Kirchner has also had good relations with the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chà ¡vez. Kirchner accepts the fact that Chà ¡vez has had helped Argentina in its financial crisis with the oil wealth of the country. Argentina is on friendly terms with Venezuela because not only Chà ¡vez helped the country during the energy crisis, but also the Argentineans believe that Chà ¡vez won the presidential elections in a fair way and with the approval of the international observers (Time, 2007). Her foreign relations are aimed at forming a regional bloc with Venezuela and Brazil. Argentina has a close alliance with Venezuela because the US alleged Ms. Cristina of being funded illegally by Hugo Chavez for winning her presidency. They both denied the accusation and called it a trashing operation orchestrated by the US to bring disunity amongst the nations of Latin America (New World Encyclopedia, 2008). All four political figures have held powerful positions in their respective nations though Ms. Cristina acquired her position comparatively easily than her counterparts as the ticket to run for president was thrown in her lap whereas Ms. Clinton had to run a fierce campaign for a democratic ticket and Margret Thatcher also had to do the same for her conservative party whereas Chà ¡vez has also had to weather coup dà ©tat attempt and wage a political struggle to be reelected (Historic Figures). Both Ms. Thatcher and Ms. Clinton are known to be politically active with a somewhat conservative outlook in their style whereas Ms. Kirchner has been known to support stylish and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why Racism Should Not Occur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why Racism Should Not Occur - Essay Example American people throughout the history of the nation’s slavery marks the begging of the racial prejudice and discrimination that presented the blacks and the other minority groups, especially the immigrant minorities, as inferior (Tiffany Gee & Takeuchi, 2008). Thus, due to the social status, they held during the period of American colonization as slaves, the prejudice, stereotyping and color bigotry has continued to rule the mind of many, resulting to the persistent increase in the reported cases of racial hate incidences throughout the country. On the other hand, due to the identity that such minority groups have been given as inferior throughout the history, they have also turned against the dominant groups, by discriminating and prejudicing against them as well (Kivel, 1996). However, the most disturbing thing about racism is that it does not appear to be perpetrated by individuals alone, but also the media that is a very influential tool in the society. The media has been seen to contribute to racism through biased reporting in relation to the prevalence of high crime rates in the minority groups as opposed to the dominant groups (Banton, 1988). This has resulted in unbalanced social construction, with the minority groups, most especially the African Americans being stereotyped as crime-prone than the rest of the communities. The impact of this is that such minority groups have in turn adapted crime as the tool for revenge against the marginalization. One can be forgiven for asking the question; where does racism happen? The answer to this would also be equally disturbing, because racism is all over the society, whether in the schools, on the streets, in churches and even in the high political offices such as the parliament and the Congress.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership in organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership in organizations - Essay Example However, Ms. Kirchner went on to become president as did Margret Thatcher, who was the prime minister of Britain. Though the former British premier was known for her tough policies the current Argentina presidents tenure has been marred by rumors that her presidency is actually being run by her husband. Kirchner has also had good relations with the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chà ¡vez. Kirchner accepts the fact that Chà ¡vez has had helped Argentina in its financial crisis with the oil wealth of the country. Argentina is on friendly terms with Venezuela because not only Chà ¡vez helped the country during the energy crisis, but also the Argentineans believe that Chà ¡vez won the presidential elections in a fair way and with the approval of the international observers (Time, 2007). Her foreign relations are aimed at forming a regional bloc with Venezuela and Brazil. Argentina has a close alliance with Venezuela because the US alleged Ms. Cristina of being funded illegally by Hugo Chavez for winning her presidency. They both denied the accusation and called it a trashing operation orchestrated by the US to bring disunity amongst the nations of Latin America (New World Encyclopedia, 2008). All four political figures have held powerful positions in their respective nations though Ms. Cristina acquired her position comparatively easily than her counterparts as the ticket to run for president was thrown in her lap whereas Ms. Clinton had to run a fierce campaign for a democratic ticket and Margret Thatcher also had to do the same for her conservative party whereas Chà ¡vez has also had to weather coup dà ©tat attempt and wage a political struggle to be reelected (Historic Figures). Both Ms. Thatcher and Ms. Clinton are known to be politically active with a somewhat conservative outlook in their style whereas Ms. Kirchner has been known to support stylish and

Internet gambling Essay Example for Free

Internet gambling Essay Internet gambling represents one of the fastest growing segments of online activities with hundreds of websites providing users the opportunity to place bets on anything, ranging from casino games to sporting events. Billions of dollars in bets are placed each day in these online gambling rings. Thousands of these sites exist and many countries economies benefit from them. Sadly, Americas leaders fail to see the benefits in allowing online gambling to take place on American soil. Whether it be for recreation or as their only source of income, hundreds of thousands of Americans participate in the phenomenon known as online gambling. For the countries (Great Britain, France, and a number of islands in the Caribbean) that host these sites, it means millions of dollars being taxed each year for allowing the gambling sites to exist. President Bush signed into effect in mid-October a bill that outlaws sending credit card payments or other funds to websites involved with online gambling. Consequently, many of the stocks of these corporations are bound to decrease severely, potentially hurting the nations economy. A countless number of college students across America participate in online gambling, a small percentage of those depending solely on the money they make from gambling to pay for their tuition. This new law will leave these people scrambling to find jobs to stay in school. If the job search fails, these students will be forced to go deep into debt by taking out loans or drop out of college altogether, thereby making the United States lose valuable money that these students are paying for their education. Putting internet poker aside for now, online sports wagering has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Before the new bill passed, a person could sign onto a gambling site, enter their handle and password, and have unlimited access to hundreds of betting lines, point spreads, and over/under numbers. One more click and they can place their bets on the game or race of their choice. With the new law, the aforementioned is a part of the distant past. Place a bet over the phone and rest easy. Place the same bet online and face stiff penalties including steep fines and possibly jail time. This simply doesnt make sense. America has tried prohibition before, in the 1920s. Despite the governments best efforts, Americans continued to consume alcohol. Seeing that they were missing out on a huge source of revenue, legislators reversed the law and began taxing the alcohol. This new internet gambling law works in much the same way, forbidding the participation in online gambling to everyone on American soil. However, the internets boundaries stretch further than any government on earth can ever begin to regulate fully. With many people being computer literate these days, it is undoubtedly impossible to stop these people from finding ways around the law. Much like the prohibition law of the 1920s, Americas government is missing out on a huge amount of taxable income. This definitely could help the government pull out of the extreme debt they are in. Prohibiting internet gambling also goes against one of the unalienable rights that America was founded upon: the pursuit of happiness. Gambling has the potential to make people happy, and prohibiting them from participating in it goes against the Declaration of Independence that our founding fathers laid down as rules for Americans to abide by. Although legislators have succeeded in passing a law against internet gambling, it will be found virtually impossible to enforce it. States will begin to grow tired of watching potential tax revenue float over to other countries. The move that makes the most sense for the American government is to legalize internet gambling, tax the income it generates, and increase the economy. After all, abiding by the immortal words spoken by Kenny Rogers in The Gambler, Americans should know when to hold ? em, know when to fold ? em, know when to walk away, and know when to run.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Beowulf The Perfect Hero English Literature Essay

Beowulf The Perfect Hero English Literature Essay What is a hero. Directly defined from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a hero is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. A great display of heroism and what it truly means to be a hero was captured in a long poem, Beowulf, which was close to being lost during a fire in 1731 in the Cotton Library (Foster). All of the attributes in which a hero should have are possessed by Beowulf, such as loyalty, courage, and strength. Beowulf presents a journey of a warrior that transforms himself into a unforgettable hero. The epic of Beowulf perfectly captured and paved the way for all heroes. The first attribute to a good hero is being loyal to the people around you, no matter the circumstance. In the very beginning of the poem we see the first signs of loyalty when Beowulf sails for land of the Danes. The family ties between that of Hrothgars family and Beowulfs is enough for Beowulf to go with his men and risk his life to help (Foster). Not only does this support and show how Beowulf was loyal but it shows us the mind set of how people thought in that time period. These morals and values which you begin to see in Beowulf also reflect some of the ideas and beliefs of Anglo-Saxons England, the time period in which Beowulf is believed to be set in (Foster). Once he arrives on the shore of Denmark he announces: We belong by birth to the Geat people And owe allegiance to Lord Hygelac. In his day, my father was a famous man, a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow. (260-263) Loyalty emerges again when Beowulf prepares to fight Grendel, Edward Foster writes Beowulf confronts that physical evil and, bolstered by lineage and loyalty, routs the inimical force with which all people must contend (Foster). What Edward Foster is saying is, Beowulf needs to stay loyal to Hrothgar as well as protect his families reputation; Beowulf must go through with his fight and defeat Grendel. After Beowulf had defeated Grendel he speaks to Horthgar in lines 1826-1829 saying: If ever I hear from across the ocean That people on your borders are threatening battle As attackers have done from time to time, I shall land with a thousand thanes at my back This passage continues to show Beowulfs continued loyalty to Hrothgar even after defeating Grendel and his mother. Jacqueline Vaught wrote in her criticism Beowulf: The Fight at the Center, In a poem so obviously concerned with social loyalty, the fact Beowulf is alone when he enters the mere is one of the largest signals that his experinces there are central to the meaning of the poem (Vaught). Hrothgar isnt the only person in the poem in which Beowulf swears loyalty to. Richard Schrader wrote in his analysis of Beowulf, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦never indicating that he wants to take over and his stressing his loyalty to Hygelac upon returning to his home (Schrader). Even towards end of his life, coincidentally towards the end of the poem, Beowulf shows loyalty to his people. When a thief steals the goblet guarded by a dragon it begins to terrorize the people of Geatland. In return Beowulf, much older now, suits up and sets out to defeat the dragon. The men with Beowulf refuse to go in to fig ht the dragon, all but one, whom shows loyalty to his leader. Loyalty, a recurring theme in this poem pushes the two men to defeat the dragon at the expense of Beowulfs life. Another, trait that contributed to Beowulfs heroism is his courage and lack of fear. One instance where Beowulf displays his courage was during the swimming match in lines 530-580. Not only was he swimming for five days and five nights but during the race he decides to stop and fight sea monsters as stated in lines 559-5641: Time and again, foul things attacked me, lurking and stalking, but I lashed out, gave as good as I got with my sword. My flesh was not for feasting on, there would be no monsters gnawing and gloating Over their banquet at the bottom of the sea. When is was time to fight Grendel, a descendent of Cain, Beowulf refused to wear armor or use any weapons because Grendel himself did not wear armor or have any weapons. The poem goes beyond belief to sell the point that Beowulf was truly afraid of nothing even making him seem godlike in a way. When the time comes to fight Grendels mother must separate himself from society to the cave in which she lives in (Vaught). Essentially in his epic adventure in being the perfect hero, Beowulf needs to man up and become a monster himself (Vaught). The final act of courage displayed by Beowulf was when he was at his weakest, weakened by old age. With a bunch of cowardly men as described in lines 2596-2601: No help or backing was to be had then from his highborn comrades; that hand-picked troop broke ranks and ran for their lives to the safety of the wood. But within one heart sorrowed welled up: in a man of worth the claims of kinship cannot be denied. No matter the circumstance Beowulf, even with the feeling of death among him, he went out on the quest to destroy the dragon terrorizing his people. He along, with Wiglaf, were the only two men with the courage to face the dragon and kill it for their peoples protection. The whole epic poem is a timeline of the development of a perfect hero. Each of the three battles contributed to the creation of the perfect hero. When he first comes Beowulf is a war hardened warrior but still needs to prove and make a name for him self. In the first battle with Grendel, Jacqueline Vaught does a great job pointing out Beowulf does not fulfill his quest as the hero-precisely because he is still within society, literally inside the walls of Herot and the circle of his men (Vaught). What you can take away from that is, although Beowulf wanted to even the playing field per say by taking off his armor and fighting Grendel bare handed, he still had home court advantage and still had all his men within Herot Hall. The real test came in the next great battle of Beowulfs against Grendels mother where he had to venture to a new undiscovered and unknown place. This is where you begin to see Beowulf grow as a hero and a character because for the first time he is really challeng ed. His transformation here was put best by Vaught when she wrote: As he enters the mere, Beowulf makes his journey inward. Rapidly he discovers that neither society nor even his own physical strength can help him in this internal battle. But when he stands, he also finds the center of himself, the strength of his unyielding will (Vaught) Still though, Beowulf relies on a sword made by giants to defeat the monster. Taylor Culbert summed it up best when saying Whereas the first two battles reveal  Beowulf  in the role of youthful warrior, the dragon fight displays his exemplary behavior as a mature king (Culbert). The last dragon he defeats is where the perfect hero is born and at the same time killed. It was when Beowulf knew he wasnt going to make it yet willed himself onward to help defeat the dragon that the perfect hero was made. Family and lineage was an important factor when determining whether or not someone could be a hero in the Anglo-Saxon culture. Throughout the poem, before Beowulf would speak, it would refer to him as Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow. This shows the importance of lineage along with other things. For example after the watchmen, Wulfgar, told Hrothgar of Beowulfs lineage, Hrothgar sends the reply: My lord, the conquering king of the Danes, Bids me announce that he knows your ancestry; Also that he welcomes you here to Herot And salutes your arrival from across the sea. (391-394) The hero in Anglo-Saxon culture is expected to carry about revenge in honor of family and to show loyalty (Foster). Some may have a different view of Beowulf and may see him as an arrogant character that only cares about glory. This is a valid point, but regardless Beowulf put the people first and protected them during all his fights. During his fight with Grendels mom Beowolf had no audience to see him defeat her, this shows that although he may care about being remembered, he cares more about his loyalty to Hrothgar and his people. Another relative point can be made during the fight against Grendel. During this fight the poet only regards Beowulfs point of view in four passages, as pointed out by Charles Moorman (Culbert). Also it is fair to point out that it was selfish of Beowulf to try and defeat the last dragon when he was old of age. But if it were not going to be Beowulf to defeat this dragon, who else would have? Clearly everyone else was afraid of it as was pointed out above during the passage in which all his cowardly men left him to go in alone with Wiglaf. The dragon would have contin ued to terrorize the people and set villages on fire. It was a necessary sacrifice to go and die for his people. The qualities of loyalty, courage and nobility all play key factors into the development of a perfect hero in Beowulf. In this epic poem he takes a journey to unknown lands and displays these characteristics in many ways. He was loyal to the Danes and helped them during a time where they lived in fear for their lives. He was courageous and didnt back down from any fight, even risking his life at times to give his opposition a fair fight. Beowulf proved to be a noble man and represent his lineage with great pride. The epic of Beowulf perfectly captured and paved the way for all heroes. As he was dying in the cave with Wiglaf by his side, Wiglaf refused to take Beowulfs treasures (Schrader). Being the only one of Beowulfs kinsmen to go in with him this man, Wiglaf, is set up to be the next perfect hero. Beowulf proved to be a legendary figure and displayed his ability of great strength many times, transforming himself into one of the greatest heroes of all time.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Muhammad Ali Essay -- Sports American History

Muhammad Ali1 Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognized faces on planet Earth; known not just for being one of the best fighters in the history of boxing, but for being one of the most knowledgeable persons of the twentieth century. Ali wasn't always known by that name though, he was born Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, him and his younger brother Rudolph had many small conflicts like any brothers would have, but they were, and still are blessed with having a very close relationship (Hauser, 2). Twelve-year-old Cassius was turned on to boxing after his brand-new bike was stolen at an annual Black fair called The Louisville Home Show (Jet). Joe Martin, a policeman who taught young kids how to box, was in a basement by the fair and after Cassius complained to him that he was going to â€Å"whup the person who stole his prized red-and-white Schwinn†(Jet). Officer Martin decided to push the frustrated youngster towards boxing. Six weeks later Cassius would win a three-minute, three-round split decision in his very first match (Hauser 7). Clay became more committed to boxing, fighting 108 amateur bouts, winning six Kentucky Golden Gloves Championships, two National Golden Gloves tournaments, and two National AAU titles (Ebony). Then the 1960 Rome Olympics came; a hesitant Cassius was afraid to travel over there in an airplane, but he eventually gave in and went, returning to America as a gold medal winner. Clay then came out with his very first published poem. After winning the gold medal in the 1960 Rome Olympics, eighteen-year-old Cassius Clay was ready to turn pro. He still kept Fred Stoner, the man who trained him as an amateur as trainer, but after his first win against an overmatched pa... ...and his opponent was Trevor Berbick. Ali entered the ring for the final time on December 11, 1981 (Jet). The bout started two hours late, there were only two pairs of gloves for the entire under card, and a cowbell was used for the ring bell. From the start, the actual fight was a drag, with Ali looking sluggish while his mediocre opponent showed little skill. When it all was over, the judges scored the bout in Berbick's favor (Hauser,77). The next morning, Ali finally announced that he was leaving the boxing ring for good. Works Cited Hauser, Thomas. Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times. New York, NY, Bantam Books, 1991 Tyers, Kathy. Muhammad Ali: The Greatest. San Mateo, Ca, IDG Books World Inc.1995 Muhammad Ali Definition of a champ Jet Magazine Ebony Magazine

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Power Of One :: Art

Power Of One On set in LA, it would cost $200 for a production assistant to make a music video for one day. In Ethiopia that same $200 means 100 children’s school fees for one term. In NYC, $5000 is the price of hair and makeup for one day, or one year’s schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan. Sarah McLachlan had $150,000 to make a music video for her song â€Å"World on Fire†, instead she used the money to help 16 countries, and spent only $15 to make her video. Sarah McLachlan has been giving money to many diverse charities throughout her singing career, changing lives and brightening smiles to many people around the world. She also developed the Sarah McLachlan Foundation, which is dedicated to younger musicians. The difference that this one person made to thousands of distressed people will change their lives forever. The very talented, Canadian singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan has made a difference in many lives around the world. Her Lilith Fair Tour had many proceeds, and she donated $600,000 of it to charities. She also participated in a benefit concert in Vancouver to raise money for cancer research. The concert raised more than $1.5 million, shattering the record of funds raised during any previous single Canadian benefit concert. Next, The Sarah McLachlan Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of music education for young people in Canada, and in particular, to benefit youth in under-served communities. This mandate reflects Sarah McLachlan's passion for music and her desire to share her success with her fellow Canadians. The Foundation currently underwrites music education programs, which Ms. McLachlan initiates in partnership with operating cultural and/or educational organizations. Lastly, Sarah McLachlan’s latest music video â€Å"World on Fire† shows us that there are more important things in life then making expensive music videos. With the $150,000 she could’ve spent on making a marvelous music video, she instead gave it to eleven different charities around the world that sponsor different areas of Third-World Countries. For example, $10,200 buys 2 hours of film stock or six wells, built into six different countries. In LA, catering for one day would cost $3,000, but instead it bought 10950 meals for street children in Calcutta. That $150,000 could mean just a regular paycheck to many wealthy people. To Sarah McLachlan, it meant making a difference in our not so perfect, world. Sarah McLachlan has made such an incredible difference in the lives of those living in the sixteen different countries that she lent a helping hand to. Power Of One :: Art Power Of One On set in LA, it would cost $200 for a production assistant to make a music video for one day. In Ethiopia that same $200 means 100 children’s school fees for one term. In NYC, $5000 is the price of hair and makeup for one day, or one year’s schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan. Sarah McLachlan had $150,000 to make a music video for her song â€Å"World on Fire†, instead she used the money to help 16 countries, and spent only $15 to make her video. Sarah McLachlan has been giving money to many diverse charities throughout her singing career, changing lives and brightening smiles to many people around the world. She also developed the Sarah McLachlan Foundation, which is dedicated to younger musicians. The difference that this one person made to thousands of distressed people will change their lives forever. The very talented, Canadian singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan has made a difference in many lives around the world. Her Lilith Fair Tour had many proceeds, and she donated $600,000 of it to charities. She also participated in a benefit concert in Vancouver to raise money for cancer research. The concert raised more than $1.5 million, shattering the record of funds raised during any previous single Canadian benefit concert. Next, The Sarah McLachlan Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of music education for young people in Canada, and in particular, to benefit youth in under-served communities. This mandate reflects Sarah McLachlan's passion for music and her desire to share her success with her fellow Canadians. The Foundation currently underwrites music education programs, which Ms. McLachlan initiates in partnership with operating cultural and/or educational organizations. Lastly, Sarah McLachlan’s latest music video â€Å"World on Fire† shows us that there are more important things in life then making expensive music videos. With the $150,000 she could’ve spent on making a marvelous music video, she instead gave it to eleven different charities around the world that sponsor different areas of Third-World Countries. For example, $10,200 buys 2 hours of film stock or six wells, built into six different countries. In LA, catering for one day would cost $3,000, but instead it bought 10950 meals for street children in Calcutta. That $150,000 could mean just a regular paycheck to many wealthy people. To Sarah McLachlan, it meant making a difference in our not so perfect, world. Sarah McLachlan has made such an incredible difference in the lives of those living in the sixteen different countries that she lent a helping hand to.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Protestant Reformation and Hamlet S Character

To Do or Not To Do? How many times does one find themselves shirking responsibilities they accepted, or avoiding promises they made? One who often finds himself in such situations, will most likely be able to relate with William Shakespeare’s character, Hamlet. In Hamlet, Hamlet is commanded by his father’s ghost to avenge his murder. Whenever Hamlet is presented with an opportunity to do so, he delays his action. Hamlet’s inability to act is a product of the time period during which the play was written. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet during the 1600s in Elizabethan England, during the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation. The Renaissance and Reformation’s belief in ghosts, ways of thinking, views on revenge, and doubts about the afterlife cause Hamlet’s inability to act on his father’s request. The effects of the Renaissance and the Reformation on Hamlet’s character, are manifest even before he meets the ghost. Formal mourning was taken seriously during the Renaissance, and most had people heeded a custom (which was usually upheld by a law) which forbade a widow to remarry earlier than a year following the death of her husband. In the start of the play, following his father’s death and his mother’s hasty remarriage, Hamlet enters with his suit of black, complete with mourning cloak and hood. At this point, Hamlet is already established as a Renaissance figure. Furthermore, Hamlet asks Gertrude and Claudius if he can return to university. Gertrude replies â€Å"go not to Wittenberg† (1. 2. 119). Hamlet studied at Wittenberg, a center of the Reformation. Hamlet’s past behavior gives evidence that he is affected by the Renaissance and the Reformation. The effect that the Renaissance and Reformation have on his actions is most apparent in his inability to avenge his father’s murder. Hamlet learns from the ghost of his father that his death had been a murder, and that â€Å"the serpent that did sting thy father's life now wears his crown† (1. 5. 46-47). The ghost asks Hamlet to â€Å"Avenge his foul and most unnatural murder† (1. 5. 26). Hamlet is eager to undertake this responsibility, and says â€Å"Haste me to know’t, that I, with wings as swift / As mediation or the thoughts of love / May sweep to my revenge† (1. 5. 30-32). But in actuality, Hamlet rethinks his commitment, and procrastinates. One instance of Hamlet procrastination is when he decides that he will not kill Claudius until he has actual proof of Claudius’s crime. Hamlet presents Claudius with a play. One sene of the play â€Å"comes near the circumstance,† (3. 2. 76) it’s plot is similar to Old Hamlet’s murder. Hamlet tells Horatio to â€Å"Observe mine uncle. If his occulted guilt / do not itself unkennel in one speech† (3. 2. 79-80). Hamlet wants Horatio to detect any sign of Claudius’s remorse or guilt. Why does Hamlet suddenly begin to doubt the reality of the ghost? Hamlet’s uncertainty is due to his protestant upbringing. â€Å"[Hamlet] attended Wittenberg, a Protestant school . . . and Protestants did not believe in ghosts† (Neuman). The Reformation had given rise to a new faction of the Church, the Protestants. Hamlet was educated by Protestants, who didn’t believe in ghosts, therefore he is reluctant to accept the ghost’s message. Hamlet’s hesitation to believe the ghost can also be related to Renaissance skepticism. Renaissance humanism and individualism, emphasized the belief in human reason, and Humanists started challenging and questioning the world around them. Hamlet is affected by Renaissance skepticism, and therefore is suspicious of the ghost’s reality. Another obstacle that stood in the way of Hamlets revenge was the opposition of the church and state, of Renaissance English, to taking revenge. The state viewed revenge as taking the law into one’s one hands and undermining the political authority of the state. They felt that the right and correct response to the original crime would be to allow the legal system to take over. The church disproved of revenge because they considered it disgraceful and a result of jealousy and hatred. In their opinion, God was the ultimate avenger. Hamlet’s struggles between society’s opposition to revenge and his own personal desire to avenge his father’s death. The belief of the afterlife is another cause for Hamlet’s inaction, lies in. The Protestant Reformation caused many debates about the existence of Purgatory and the road to Heaven. Catholics believe that â€Å"how we behave – will determine where in the afterlife you will eventually end up† (Zammit). One who dies in â€Å"God’s grace and friendship and [is] perfectly purified, live[s] forever in [heaven]. † If one dies and is still â€Å"imperfectly purified,† he will â€Å"undergo purification† (biblehistory) in Purgatory. If one dies â€Å"in a state of mortal sin, [he will] descend into hell† (Catechism of the Catholic Church). On the other hand, Protestants believe that anyone who accepts Jesus, receives him by faith and repents will go to Heaven. Those who reject God are sent to Hell, a place of torment and separation from God. Purgatory is never explicitly mentioned in the bible, therefore Protestants reject the Roman Catholic teaching that there is also a transitional place or process of purification of the soal. According to the Protestants, there is no Purgatory. Hamlet is unsure about the afterlife. At times he accepts the Catholic view, and at other times he trusts the Protestant view. Hamlet is presented with a perfect opportunity to kill Claudius. He approaches a kneeling, praying Claudius, but â€Å"he is consumed with the Christian notion of the afterlife. The conception that if one died while in prayer, they would automatically go to heaven† (A Christian Excuse for Cruelty). Hamlet wants to kill Claudius â€Å"when he is drunk asleep, or in his rage,/ Or in th'incestuous pleasure of his bed,/ At gaming, swearing, or about some act/ That has no relish of salvation in't† (3. 3. 89) so that Claudius will go to Hell. Although in the pervious instance, Hamlet leans towards the Catholic approach, he later discusses his uncertainty about the afterlife. Hamlet feels that if he cannot act, he can at least kill himself to escape his situation. But, in his â€Å"To be or not to be† soliloquy, Hamlet dismisses his suicidal plans because of his doubts about the afterlife. As Smith points out, at one point in his soliloquy, Hamlet â€Å"thinks for a moment that [death] may be like a deep sleep,† which seems like a fairly pleasant situation. But then, Hamlet wonders, â€Å"To sleep: Perchance to dream: ay there’s the rub; / For in that sleep of death what dreams may come† (3. 1). Hamlet is afraid of the dreams of the after life, the â€Å"pains that the afterlife might bring† (Smith). Hamlet continues to discuss the â€Å"dread of something after death,† and comes to reject his plans of committing suicide because of his dubiousness of the afterlife. Hamlet’s inability to act is largely a byproduct of the time period during which he lived. Hamlet was influenced by society’s views, doubts and beliefs. Even today, people’s actions are largely effected by the characteristics of the time period, and by society's pressures.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fast Food: Problem in America? Essay

Imagine you’re at McDonald’s and you’re going in for that bite on your burger. First thing you think about is the tastiness of the burger and not exactly what you’re eating. Little do you know that you’re eating so much stuff that will actually take a toll on your body in the long run? Most Americans do not have this thought running through their minds because all they care about is the explosion of flavor in their mouth and the satisfaction of being full after. Americans should eliminate the regular consumption of fast food because the fast food diet leads to health issues, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Diabetes is a common factor after consuming fast foods (junk food). For those who do not know what diabetes is: Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store sugar. Sugar backs up in the bloodstream causing one’s blood sugar to rise too high and fast food is high in sugar even though we do not know it. Even though the fast food may be high in calories, it will lack nutritional value because of the high amount of carbs as well as all the fats. Fast foods are usually high in calories, and highly processed, but they tend to have few vitamins and minerals, and are usually low in fiber. Fast foods often contain large amount of added sugar, and high in saturated fats and Trans fats. Besides diabetes, Americans are highly affected from fast foods in the form of obesity. You can find a fast food restaurant every time you turn the corner and you can choose from burgers, tacos or a sugary drink at most places. As mentioned before: Fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and sodium. I believe the rate of obesity is so high because of how inexpensive it is to buy and also due to multiple locations of fast food restaurants. Obesity is starting to become a major factor in America these days due to all the fast food we consume. In addition to Obesity in America, it is now becoming a big deal to the youth. As said before, most fast food chains lurk around every corner and is  very tempting to the human eye. Along with the location of fast food our lifestyles have changed over the years where we live in a fast paced society. The fast food industry understands this which is why there is a drive through window. You can order something healthier on the fast food menu, but most of the time you are being rushed to order and you make the wrong choice, or because the healthier items on the menu are usually the most expensive. Either way this is what I see when I order from fast food restaurants. Finally, the most serious outcome of consuming fast food in your daily will be heart disease and eventually death. Studies found that consuming fast food as little as once a week increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease by 20 percent. The risk goes up to 50 percent if you eat fast food two to three times weekly, according to the study. Worse still, the risk shoots to 80 percent for those who eat fast food four or more times per week. The study I found was interesting to me and it had me thinking of my own eating habits. Can you imagine with all the excess carbs, fats, sodium, sugars, and cholesterols being absorbed in your system that it will play a major role on your cardiovascular system? The thought of this was quite stunning and should be taught worldwide to prevent heart disease, which will lead to death. Fast food will always be a favorite meal for anyone that doesn’t have time to cook, on a budget, or just prefers the tastiness of the grease. Down the road if fast food is consumed daily then the effects will be catastrophic on the human body such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Fast food might not seem harmful at first, but the effects will soon become noticeable such as your waist line will become a lot bigger and you will start to feel out of shape even if it is simply walking that you do. Most of this essay is referring to the Americans, but if I were to specify which category that fast food affects the most the category would best suit the adults and children would be another category that suits this very well. Childhood obesity is on the rise and everyone throughout the world should know this, but for now just be aware that fast food is a major cause for diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

REVINATE Social Media Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

REVINATE Social Media Marketing - Research Paper Example Children rooms have some policies restrictions. Their facilities have a 24-hour reception, express check-in/out, room service, concierge, luggage storage, safety deposit box and dry cleaning. Pets are allowed into this hotel. This hotel also has some business facilities like conference rooms and meeting rooms, recreational facilities such as a fitness center. All the accommodations in this hotel are in exquisite conditions as they are equipped with air conditioning, high-speed internet access, bathroom amenities among others (Howard). W Los Angeles Westwood Hotel faces competition from Palomar Los Angeles Westwood, Luxe Hotel, and InterContinental LA Century City, Hotel Angeleno Los Angeles and Viceroy Santa Monica. The screen shot below shows competitor reviews for the last thirty days .it displays the comparison of the above-stated hotels that are W Los Angeles Westwood Hotel competitors. This hotel has strengths as; it is in a star location Revel in the casually glamorous Californian lifestyle. The hotel is at foothills of Beverly Hills/Bel Air and minutes from Santa Monica’s beaches. Los Angeles – Westwood is from the corner to corner from UCLA and close the entertainment and vibrancy of Sunset Strip. Los Angeles – Westwood is within an urban sanctuary. It has a verandah and WET, the perfect escape from the extensive city. Sip and savor beneath the sun, take anincline in the pool or withdrawal to an airy cabana bounded by lush botanicals in this eventual Los Angeles hideaway. Los Angeles – Westwood hotels faces some challenges regardless of the excellent services they offer at their of the problem is that ,although they are located on a good strategic place where everyone would enjoy living at, the hotel fails to attract clients as compared to its competitors. From the reviews made, Hotel Angeleno Los Angeles, Los Angeles Westwood hotels competitors have a high profit

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sustainable management futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sustainable management futures - Essay Example iv) The employee involved in whistle blowing should have stumbled with credible documentary evidence that convinces observers of the correctness of the circumstance where the product brings grave harm to the public. iv) The whistle blower should have a valid reason in believing that by informing the public, the necessary corrective measures will effected. v) The situation involving death or serious body injuries should be treat as severe than non physical harm and that the whistle blower is ready to take responsibility. Loyalty and integrity: The role they play in whistle blowing Personal loyalty is steadfastness of an individual in asserting allegiance, perseverance and upholding faithfulness to others. Integrity on the other hand refers to consistency of truthfulness to ones value system and moral principles by showing this consistency in ones day to day life. Loyalty informs the power of mutual respect, being confidential and keeping promises. In some cases, loyalty can be misplac ed or blind so that it diminishes from being a virtue as harm and not good emanates. Loyalty puts the profit motive of a firm in collision with loyalty to values, beliefs and ethos. Whistle blowing is not a capricious issue as it can cause an end to organizations or a person’s existence. ... It comprises employee protection for disclosing some information including evidence of activities that are illegal or adverse to the environment.They also protects employees from employer retribution like dismissal and promotional blackmail. The victimised individuals can obtain a remedy in the courts for compensation. The prescribed persons are the registrar for data protection, executives for health and safety, environmental agency, certification officer, and trade and industry secretary of state. Is â€Å"Whistle blowing a negative or positive force within society?† Whistle blowing has been a useful force to the society since many employers have started to constitute internal processes of reporting emerging issues. There is a new desire by companies to solve problems internally before they become public. Employers would find it apprehensive when employees choose to use the Act and not the internal processes created. Though it does not force employers to come up with policie s regarding disclosures, many do not know the existence of such policies. Examining the extent the ethics of lying in business transactions Lying in most situations is indispensable. It is the only way to keep the business moving when the stocks and profits are crippling. Investors would hear none of the failures that is shouted truthfully. Robert Diamond the CEO of Barclays Group did not acknowledge the deception that the bank gave to the London Interbank Offered Rate which affected the transactions of a huge amount. They had misreported interest rates. Even the bonuses to be paid to employees were clawed back. Mr. Diamond was forced to resign. Lying is unethical and results in poor business practices as seen the case

Monday, October 7, 2019

Art image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art image - Essay Example The addition of text into the image will improve accessibility and understanding (Nadaner 26)The product targets female as such its advert should have the females because it is gender specific. The image relates perfectly with the concept of marginalization by indicating the segregation and perception existing in the society. The failure to address the issue of feminism and gender roles is reflected in the image through the figures used in advertising. The level of creativity depicted in the image is high with the focus being on the figures and the text (Zolberg and Cherbo 66). The message is passed across accurately and creates a sense of belonging to the users of the product. It creates the desire to associate with the image. Images are inspired through concept broadcast and accessibility (Hooks 17). The change in the image ensured accessibility of the information passed across and the understanding of the focus of the artist. In conclusion, the image captures the three main concepts of belonging, marginalization and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Discus and Biomechanics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Discus and Biomechanics - Essay Example The knees should be moved forward but with flexion in order to provide support for the hands with the discus. The ankles should also be a bit up and with flexion in order to put the hips in position and to provide support to the knees. The hops are help in the front position with no rotation so as to provide the base for the discuss weight on hands. The hands are also placed in a relaxed position on the sides in order not to destabilize the stability. The center of gravity is maintained at the center, in discus throw, one should try to maintain the center of gravity as low as possible in order to provide them with stability as they try to increase the momentum required just before the throw. The left hand that has no discus should always be maintained in the same position with the right hand that holds the discus so that there can be adequate weight distribution across the body. Being with the neck at no rotation helps to keep one’s gaze in front where the discus is to be thro wn. Base Support: standing with the left foot in front of the right foot, the right arm with the discus is put to swing in a forward motion while the left arm remains in a backward swing. The waist in a leftward rotation 33 degree and legs are also spread. Description of Movements: the discus thrower has his right arm with the discus in front while keeping his stance stable. His legs apart with the left leg in front of the right leg and his eyes fixed on the throwing direction as he begins to rotate. This is the second phase where getting a good stance is important. Proper Techniques and Flaws in this Performance: the right arm in front with the left leg, is to spread the body weight so as to increase stability of the discus thrower. The shoulders are allowed to rotate at certain degrees as they should allow the load in the hand to move freely, and by the time the right